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Study abroad from Hokkaido University of Education

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Outline of Study Abroad Programs

1. Form of study abroad programs

The following study abroad programs are available for students of Hokkaido University of Education.

(1) Exchange studies based on exchange agreements

Hokkaido University of Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding with International Exchange Partner Institutions to promote the exchange program (limited enrollment capacity). Applicants will be selected through internal evaluation and nominated as Exchange Students to participate in the exchange program.
Under this exchange program, the period of study abroad will be included in the required years of study (period of study).
Additionally, tuition fee at our university will be collected even while studying abroad, but tuition fee at the exchange university will be exempted in principle, based on the agreement. (* Study abroad by Leave of Absence is not permitted.)

Click here for more details about Exchange Student Program

(2) Short-term overseas training

The university implements a Short-term Overseas Training Program which allows participants to stay at one of the overseas universities of International Exchange Partner Institutions or their affiliated language schools for two to four weeks. (Program details may change depending on the academic year.)

Click here for more details about Short-term Overseas Training Program

(3) Long-term overseas training

The university implements a Long-term Overseas Training Program of about 10 to 17 weeks mainly in English-speaking countries.
In this program, the participants will enroll in a program that is designed as a preparation course to acquire language skills required for studying abroad at overseas universities. TOEFL or IELTS focused classes are also available.
The overseas partner institutions are as follows.

List of overseas partner institutions
  • University of San Diego (United States)
  • University of Washington (United States)
  • Seattle University (United States)
  • California State University, Fullerton (United States)
  • Brock University(Canada)
(*Please visit each university’s web site for more details about the program)

(4) Study abroad outside the exchange agreement

If a student wishes to study abroad at a university or any other educational institution that is not an International Exchange Partner Institution (including study abroad at an International Exchange Partner Institution that is not based on this exchange agreement), the student will study abroad with the permission of Study Abroad or Leave of Absence.
When a student studies abroad by obtaining the Study Abroad permission, the period of study abroad will be included in the required years of study (period of study) for graduation, and tuition fee will be collected even while studying abroad.
When a student studies abroad by obtaining the Leave of Absence permission, the period of study abroad will not be included in the required years of study (period of study) for graduation, and tuition fee will be exempted during the period of the Leave of Absence.
Additionally, if a student uses the Leave of Absence period to participate in a language training program at a university or any other educational institution overseas, that student should also notify the study abroad staff at each campus.
Note that for study abroad not based on the exchange agreement, the student is responsible for finding the study abroad school and other associated work.

2. Scholarships for study abroad

A scholarship system may be available for studying abroad. Please contact the study abroad staff at each campus for details.

Click here for more details about scholarship system

3. Administrative remarks for study abroad

(1) Notification required for study abroad

Before studying abroad, the student must submit a Study Abroad or Leave of Absence notification and obtain permission before traveling. Please contact the study abroad staff at each campus for details about notification, etc.

(2) Safety and health management

Danger, illness, accident and other risks increase while studying abroad in an overseas country, as the living environment and activities are different from those in Japan. Therefore, each individual needs to take the maximum level of precaution, such as collecting the latest information and so on to make sure that his/her safety and health are provided.
Additionally, since each campus is required to identify the contact information of students for their study abroad destinations, each student should follow the instructions of the study abroad staff at each campus.
Note that the Passport Law of Japan requires an individual to submit a Residence Report to the Embassy of Japan (consulate general) in the destination country if the individual stays in the country for more than three months. Those going abroad should be sure to complete the notification accordingly. Those staying less than three months in an overseas country should be sure to register with the overseas travel registration system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan called Tabi-Regi.
Reference: Overseas Safety Home Page, Ministry of Foreign Affairs? http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/
?Travel Safety Handbook for Students(3.84 MB)

(3) Credits earned from study abroad program

Up to 30 credits earned from the study-abroad university may be transferred if these credits are considered equivalent to the required credits of this university. For more details, please contact the Academic Affairs Division or the study abroad staff at each campus.

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