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About the University About the University

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Current position

Student Enrollment

Faculty of Education(As of May 1, 2019)

Sapporo [Admission Capacity:1,080]

Teachers Training

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Clinical Research in Education - - - - 3 3
Integrated Learning Development - - - - 1 1
Fundamental Learning Development - - - - 4 4
School Education 30 33 32 33 35 133
Special Needs?Education 25 26 26 26 27 105
Language and Social Studies Education 80 83 80 81 92 336
Science and Mathematics Education 55 56 53 56 60 225
Home Economics and
Technology Education
24 26 23 24 26 99
Fine Arts, Music,
Health and Physical Education
30 33 29 31 37 130
School Nurse Teacher Training 26 27 27 27 27 108
Total 270 284 270 278 312 1,144

Asahikawa [Admission Capacity:1,080]

Teachers Training

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Educational Development and
Growth of Children
50 51 52 52 54 209
Japanese Language Education 30 33 32 36 38 139
English Language Education 25 27 26 26 28 107
Social Studies Education 40 42 40 43 41 166
Mathematics Education 30 31 31 32 33 127
Science Education 40 42 42 42 44 170
Home Economics and
Technology Education
25 27 28 26 26 107
Fine Arts, Music,
Health and Physical Education
30 33 32 33 35 133
Total 270 286 283 290 299 1,158

Kushiro [Admission Capacity:720]

Teachers Training

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Rural School Education - - 42 39 46 127
Course of Community and
Environmental Education
- - 42 41 44 127
School Curriculum Development - - 105 104 109 318
Regional School Education Practice 180 189 - - - 189
Total 180 189 189 184 199 761

Hakodate [Admission Capacity:1,140]

Humanities and Regional Sciences

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Human Development - - - - - 0
International Culture and Cooperation - - - - - 0
Information Science - - - - 1 1
Regional Development - - - - - 0
Environmental Science - - - - - 0
Total - - - - - 1

International and Regional Studies

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Regional Cooperation 240 244 242 243 308 1,037
Regional Education 45 46 46 46 50 188
Total 285 290 289 289 358 1,225

Iwamizawa [Admission Capacity:720]

Fine Arts and Music

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Music - - - - 0 0
Fine Art - - - - 1 1
Artistic Culture - - - - 0 0
Total - - - - 1 1

Arts and Sports, and Cultural Creative Studies

Courses Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Art and Sports Business 25 27 26 25 27 105
Music Cultural Studies 40 44 46 43 50 183
Visual Arts Cultural Studies 55 55 56 55 65 231
Sports Cultural Studies 60 62 60 61 63 246
Total 180 188 188 184 205 765
? ?

Faculty of Education Total Admission Capacity:4,740

Departments Freshmen
1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year Grand total
Teachers Training 720 759 742 752 810 3,063
Humanities and Regional Sciences - - - - 1 1
International and Regional Studies 285 290 288 289 358 1,225
Fine Arts and Music - - - - 1 1
Arts and Sports, and Cultural Creative Studies 180 188 188 184 205 765
Total 1,185 1,237 1,218 1,225 1,375 5,055

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